(Dannika - woman, age 25)
"I am walking down the hall of an empty university building. I come inside the room of one man I know from my life (a colleague from work). There are two beds in his room. His own, on the right and another one, that belongs to his roommate is on the left side of the room.
“Let us be elegant or die!” - Louisa May Alcott
The right side is very neat and tidy (my friend who appears in a dream is in fact a kind of OCD person who needs to have everything in order at work), while the roommate's side is a bit messy. The room is L-shaped, and I'm curious to see what's around the corner. To my amazement there is a kind of Barbie altar. They are displayed in the way that it looks like, as if they were in the scenes from normal life. I find it a bit disturbing and some of them are placed in life scenes, they are very individual, as they have their own personalities. I realise that a guy I know must be some kind of a crazy guy who plays with dolls, so I run away before he comes back."
Dream interpretation:
The two men that live in the room are the symbols of the opposite mindsets and both represent the masculine parts of the dreamer’s Self. A space inside is divided; excessive order on the right side, stands in contrast to the mess the dreamer finds on the left side of the room. Such contradiction reveals that two different parts of her personality seem to stand on opposite poles and that Dannika in the parallel of reality may as well have tendencies to frequent mood swings. In the dream, she manages to look deeper into this subconscious affair. In the same room, she discovers the hidden altar with Barbie dolls. The dolls are displayed in a way that seems as if they take part in real life and the whole experience appears somewhat disturbing to her. In fact, what she finds behind the corner is a part of her own personality that calls for her attention. Barbie dolls are toys more than anything else, and nevertheless they seem to represent some individuality, yet are not real. They lack the spark of life that would awaken their soul. A life thrown underneath the plastic skin would free them from being pretty dolls in favour of being real. A dream reveals a part of a personality that, like a pretty doll, is focused on entertaining others. Making others feel better. There is a feminine energy behind the masculine layers of her personality that resonate with the world of men. The dolls arranged in the form of a disturbing altar illustrate a shame about femininity and consequently symbolise repressed energy.